
Monkeysign can be installed in various ways, depending on which platform you are using. You can install Monkeysign:

  • Using packages, recommended if you are running a distribution that has native packages for Monkeysign
  • Using PIP, recommended if you are on another distribution that doesn’t have native packages of Monkeysign or you want to run the latest version without upgrading the whole operating system
  • From source, if the above doesn’t work, if you need to test unreleased code, or if you want to contribute to Monkeysign

Using packages

Some distributions offer ready-to-use packages for Monkeysign which can be easily installed with a package manager. Below is a table of distributions that have packages for Monkeysign.


Those packages may not be up to date with the latest releases. Before submitting a bug report, check the package version and compare that to our latest release then review the changelog to see if the bug has been fixed. Report bugs to the package maintainer rather than directly to Monkeysign if the package is out of date in the distribution.

Also consider that the packages below (apart from the Debian packages) have not been reviewed by the Monkeysign team.

Distribution Source Command
Arch Linux AUR [1] pacman -S monkeysign
Debian jessie, stretch, sid, ... [2] apt-get install monkeysign
Gentoo ebuild emerge monkeysign
openSUSE openSUSE official repository zypper in python-monkeysign
Raspbian Raspbian pool apt-get install monkeysign
Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 15.10, 16.04, ... apt-get install monkeysign
[1]The AUR package ships with patches that have not been reviewed by the Monkeysign team.
[2]Monkeysign has been in Debian since Debian 6 (squeeze-backports-sloppy) and is maintained there as a native package.


Please ask package maintainers to build a package for your platform if it is missing above or, if you can package / submit it yourself, please help us with that! If you package Monkeysign, please let us know by filing an issue detailing the distribution name, a link to the package and a command to install it.

Using PIP

You can install Monkeysign with PIP, with the following command:

pip install monkeysign


Note that 2.1.0 is the first release of Monkeysign published this way. It has not received as much testing as the other methods.

From source

Installing Monkeysign from source is harder, and shouldn’t generally be necessary. You may be asked, however, to do that in order to test if your bug is still present in the current release.


The following Python packages are required for the GUI to work:

python-qrencode python-gtk2 python-zbar python-zbarpygtk

If they are not available, the commandline signing tool should still work but doesn’t recognize QR codes.

Monkeysign requires a working GnuPG installation.


You can fetch Monkeysign with git:

git clone

Tarballs are also automatically generated on the 0xACAB site for the main branch or you can download tarballs for every past release as well.

You can also find a source tarball from the Debian mirrors here:

The .tar.gz file has a checksum, cryptographically signed, in the .dsc file.


To install monkeysign from source, run:

sudo ./ install --record=install.log


It is also be possible to run Monkeysign without installing it, directly from the source tree, with:




See the Usage section for more information on how to use Monkeysign.